Au Ra Female? Miqo'te Female? | AGE: 847 | And yet, something more...

Zelah Meffhee

Born in the wild forests surrounding Gridania, Zelah was abandoned by her natural-born family and clan at a very young age and spent the majority of her mortal life alone. Hunting carefully by night, she soon discovered harshly why most of her former clan typically only partook in that activity by the light of the sun.At the age of 22, she was happened upon by an unknown creature of the night, a vampire who out-matched her in every way and quickly over-powered her. The vampire drained her to the brink of death and Zelah was ready to meet her end when something she did not expect happened. The vampire had been watching her for many nights prior to the attack and realized how alone she was.He bit into his own wrist, offered it to Zelah and said, "You can drink and continue on forever as the creature of the night you most certainly already wish to be or you can leave this world now as I found you- alone..."

Au Ra Female? Miqo'te Female? | AGE: 847 | And yet, something more...

Zelah Meffhee

What choice did she have? At her age, what could she possibly have known of the world? How could she have known the gravity of what she was to become?With what little strengh she had left, Zelah drank from the unknown vampire. She felt his blood filling her and a hunger she had never known filled her entire being. Her feeding was slow at first but that soon transformed into ravenous fury as the vampire noticeably staggered and then was struck in the shoulder with a piercing arrow from behind."Got him!!! Don't lose him this time!!!" The source of the arrow shouted in the distance as the vampire winced in pain.Not having a choice, the vampire quickly ran off into the darkness of the treeline as Zelah slumped all the way to the ground. Unnoticed by the hunters, she remained there for many hours as her body and existence began to change forever...

Au Ra Female? Miqo'te Female? | AGE: 847 | And yet, something more...

Zelah Meffhee

As she laid there for many hours, the hunger overtook her; her mortal body and even existence was dying and there was nothing she could do about it.The rest as they say is history... What happened to her after she woke up? You'll have to ask her yourself to fill in the blanks of the story. Many years have passed. Why was she abandoned? What happened after she was turned? Why does she act the way she does today and what drives her? Much has changed in both the world and in Zelah. Is she good or wicked, friend or foe?

Au Ra Female? Miqo'te Female? | AGE: 847 | And yet, something more...

Zelah Meffhee

~WIPOver Zelah's many years she encountered many on her travels that came and went. Many mortals she saw only once and didn't have much else to think about them afterwards.There was one though who stood out. One that she kept encountering multiple times. Sometimes only a few years may have passed, sometimes a decade, but she kept encountering her all the same.This one didn't seem to age as other mortals did. She didn't seem at all like her maker so Zelah was sure she wasn't a vampire as she was, yet still they remained and kept running into each other.

Au Ra Female? Miqo'te Female? | AGE: 847 | And yet, something more...

Zelah Meffhee